"The Terminal Sire
which Ticks ALL the Boxes"
Blue Texel Sheep Society

Show Report for Royal Three Counties Show 2023

Date of Show: Friday 16th June 2023


Judge - Mr A Bishop

Aged Ram
1st - A T Froggatt
2nd - Jade Bett
3rd - Mr & Mrs T Bodily
4th - Harry Bowen

Shearling Ram
1st - Jade Bett
2nd - Jade Bett
3rd - Johnathan Long
4th - Windrush Farming Partners
5th - Nick Legge

Ram Lamb
1st - Sara A Gibbons
2nd - Rhys Cooke
3rd - A T Froggatt
4th - A T Froggatt
5th - C & L Beck

Aged Ewe
1st - C & L Beck
2nd - A T Froggatt
3rd - A T Froggatt
4th - Rhys Cooke
5th - Kathryn Coles

Shearling Ewe
1st - Rhys Cooke
2nd - Rhys Cooke
3rd - Sara A Gibbons
4th - McDowell & Cormack
5th - C & L Beck

Ewe Lamb
1st - Vicky Smith
2nd - Rhys Cooke
3rd - A T Froggatt
4th - A T Froggatt
5th - McDowell & Cormack

Best Lamb - Vicky Smith
Reserve Lamb - Sara A Gibbons

Male Champion - A T Froggatt
Reserve Male Champion - Gibbons

Female Champion- C & L Beck
Reserve Female Champion - A T Froggatt

Overall Champion - C & L Beck
Reserve Champion - A T Froggatt


Show Images